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ClusDur — Durham University’s SCC Team

ClusDur Durham University’s Student Cluster Competition Team

We are ClusDur — Durham University’s Student Cluster Competition Team – a team of enthusiastic Durham University students who explore the realms of HPC and scientific computing together! We jointly train our practical computer science skills to take part in national and international Student Cluster Competitions (SCCs).

SCCs are playful team competitions that allow students to enter the world of high performance computing. They foster team spirit, practical skills in performance optimization and system administration as well as experience with latest supercomputing technologies. SCCs are the perfect opportunity to get in contact with potential employers and enable you to gain new knowledge in a highly motivating and exiting environment together with like-minded peers.

Check out former competitions at CIUK SCC and IndySCC to grasp the spirit!


QRT (Qube Research & Technologies) is a global investment manager that thrives on large scale computing technology. QRT provides the team with substantial financial support and multiple team members have secured internship and placement opportunities with QRT.

Intel supports the team with interactive teaching materials, compute time on the Intel DevCloud as well as hard copies of the latest literature on Intel’s parallel programming technologies DPC++ and oneTBB. Thanks to Intel’s Student Ambassador Program, the team is provided with a two day workshop on Intel’s oneAPI.


If you’re interested in becoming a member of the SCC team get in touch with an email to the academic advisor, briefly stating:

  • Your name
  • Field and year of study
  • Related experience (if any) through courses at university, hackathons, private projects, etc.
  • Availability (in-person, remote only, hybrid)

Academic Advisor

Prof Dr Tobias Weinzierl
Professor of Computer Science
[email protected]