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Intel oneAPI Centre of Excellence

Intel oneAPI Centre of Excellence

The group hosts the UK’s first Intel oneAPI academic centre of excellence. The centre will explore the oneAPI programming model for heterogeneous architectures in the ExaHYPE system, and develop and deliver tutorials and workshops in the usage of oneAPI for students and researchers at Durham and across the UK.


  • Paper alert: Han Zhang and Baojiu Li team up with the OneExaHyPE crew to simulate non-standard gravity models:
  • Paper alert: The OneExaHyPE team presents their work around task-based parallelism at ISC. The paper is titled “Dynamic task fusion for a block-structured finite volume solver over dynamically adaptive mesh with local time stepping”


  • Lots of great reading material arrived! Thanks to Intel for providing us and our students with the latest literature on Intel’s parallel programming technologies DPC++ and TBB.


  • Happy to host the first SYCL Practitioners Hackathon 2022.
  • IntelDev Summit ’22: It was a pleasure to present our work at the IntelDev Summit’22
  • ISC ’22

    OneExaHyPE’s researchers were quite satisfied with this year’s ISC outcome: the project was featured on the Intel DevSummit just before the conference, we presented the work in the main paper track, and also as a keynote on Thursday’s SYCL workshop.