Workshops and events
Upcoming workshops
HPC professional development courses 2024/25
In the academic year 2023/24, we run several workshop series on debugging, GPU programming, performance analysis, …
deal.ii workshop
At the start of April we will run a two-day workshop about using the PDE software deal.ii, delivered by one of the principal developers.
Past workshops
Durham HPC Days 2024
A full week prior to ISC hosting various HPC- and AI-related workshops, talks, events.
UM-Bridge Workshop 2024
A 2-day workshop which aims to get users familiar with UM-Bridge, initiate collaborations between UQ and model experts and advance the UQ software ecosystem.
UM-Bridge Workshop 2023
A 2-day workshop which aims to get users familiar with UM-Bridge, initiate collaborations between UQ and model experts and advance the UQ software ecosystem.
Software Development in C and C++
We will be running a two week workshop covering the basics of programming in C and C++ in September. This course is aimed at participants with no prior knowledge of C. The course is open to all (incoming) MISCADA MSc students of Durham University, Durham University staff, and members (RSEs, PhDs, PostDocs) from DiRAC.
Durham HPC Days Spring 2023
A series of events in one week just before ISC that is centred around HPC technology and research.
Performance Analysis Workshop Series 2023
A series of five hybrid events discussing various performance analysis tools. The series spans multiple weeks and the participating teams continuously gain a deeper insight into their code base’s behaviour.
DPU Hackathon 2023
A 1.5 day workshop in collaboration with NVIDIA networks which explores the potential of their BlueField architecture.
SYCL’s impact on algorithms, data structures and implementations
A workshop organised under the umbrella of the SIAM CSE 2023 conference. It discusses how SYCL is affected and affects algorithmic design decisions within our codes.
UM-Bridge Workshop
We are planning a two-day online workshop on UM-Bridge. UM-Bridge is a new language-agnostic software interface allowing to couple any Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) package to any numerical model software. This workshop will take place on December 12 and December 13. Registration is available until Thursday, November 17. You find the registration form as well as further details on UM-Bridge and our workshop at the website.
ICCS 2022: ExCALIBUR Task Parallelism Workshop
This ExCALIBUR workshop takes place on June 21, 2022, at Brunel University, London, UK, and is co-located with the ICCS – International Conference on Computational Science 2022. It can be attended either as part of the conference or individually. Follow the link above for more details around the workshop and the ICCS link for registration/sign-up information.
Performance Analysis Methodology Workshop
Date: 15 December 2021, 9:00-12:00 UTC
Hosted in collaboration with ARC, see the workshop page for registration details.
HPC for Computational Seismology
Date: 19-21 October 2021, 9:00-17:00 CEST
Additional information available here.
1st ExCALIBUR SPH Workshop
In this first meeting of a new series in collaboration withe the UKFN SPH SIG, we bring together experts from academia, astrophysics and industry.
More information available here.
2021 Code Performance Series: From analysis to insight
An ExCALIBUR Knowledge Integration Activity in collaboration with the POP CoE, Durham’s Department of Computer Science, DiRAC and the N8 CIR (N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research).
More information available here.
ExaHyPE 2(020) workshop
In this workshop, we introduced our second generation of ExaHyPE. The workshop ran virtually and asynchronously via Zoom and Slack.
Firedrake ‘19
We hosted the third edition of the Firedrake user and developer workshop. With a two day program of tutorial and talks.