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Publications from members of the group

  1. S. Saha, S. Chakraborty, S. Agarwal, M. Själander, K. D. McDonald-Maier, “ARCTIC: Approximate Real-Time Computing in a Cache-Conscious Multicore Environment.” IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 43(10): 2944-2957 (2024)
  2. S. Chakraborty, S. Saha, M. Själander, K. D. McDonald-Maier, “MAFin: Maximizing Accuracy in FinFET based Approximated Real-Time Computing.”  61st ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2024.
  3. H. Gidituri, G. Kabacaoglu, M. Ellero, F.B. Usabiaga, “Mapping flagellated swimmers to surface-slip driven swimmers”, Journal of Computation Physics, 2024.
  4. S. Dutta, R. Farhadifar, W. Lu, G. Kabacaoglu, R. Blackwell, D. B. Stein, M. Lakonishok, V. I. Gelfand, S. Y. Shvartsman, M. J. Shelley, “Self-organized intracellular twisters”, Nature Physics, 2024.
  5. H-Y. Wu, G. Kabacaoglu, E. Nazockdast, H-C. Chang, M. J. Shelley, D. J. Needleman, “Laser ablation and fluid flows reveal the mechanism behind spindle and centrosome positioning”, Nature Physics, 2024.
  6. S. Chakraborty, Y. Sharma, S. Moulik, “TREAFET: Temperature-Aware Real-Time Task
    Scheduling for FinFET based Multicores”– ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Sys-
    tems Vol. 23, Issue 4, Article 61, June 2024, 31 Pages.
  7. S. Agarwal, S. Chakraborty and M. Sjalander, “TEEMO: Temperature Aware Energy Ef-
    ficient Multi-Retention STT-RAM Cache Architecture”- 38th IEEE International Parallel &
    Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2024), 2024.
  8. Adam Tuft and Tobias Weinzierl and Michael Klemm, “Detrimental task execution patterns in mainstream OpenMP runtimes”, IWOMP 2024.
  9. Pawel K. Radtke and Tobias Weinzierl,  “Compiler support for semi-manual AoS-to-SoA conversions with data views”, 15th International Conference on Parallel Processing & Applied Mathematics, 2024
  10. Weinzierl, Tobias, “Grundlagen des parallelen wissenschaftlichen Rechnens”, Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science book series (UTICS), Springer, 2024.
  11. C. M. Loi, H. Bockhorst, T. Weinzierl, “SYCL compute kernels for ExaHyPE”, SIAM Parallel Processing 2024.
  12. Liu, M., Frawley, J., Wyer, S., Shum, H., Uckelman, S., Black, S., & Willcocks, C. (2024). Self-Regulated Sample Diversity in Large Language Models. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024 (pp. 1891–1899). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  13. Corona-Figueroa, A., Shum, H., & Willcocks, C. (2024). Repeat and Concatenate: 2D to 3D Image Translation with 3D to 3D Generative Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). IEEE/CVF.
  14. Bond-Taylor, S., & Willcocks, C. (2024). infinity-Diff: Infinite Resolution Diffusion with Subsampled Mollified States. In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations. ICLR.
  1. Henry Westmacott and Ioannis Ivrissimtzis and Tobias Weinzierl, “A multiscale optimisation algorithm for shape and material reconstruction from a single X-ray image”, International Conference on Image and Graphics Processing,  2023
  2. M. Wille, T. Weinzierl, G. Brito Gadeschi, M. Bader, “Efficient GPU Offloading with OpenMP for a Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes”, ISC High Performance 2023.
  3. Marcotte, Christopher D and Hoffman, Matthew J and Fenton, Flavio H and Cherry, Elizabeth M, “Reconstructing cardiac electrical excitations from optical mapping recordings” — Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science.
  4. S. Saha, S. Chakraborty, S. Agarwal, R. Gangopadhyay, M. Sjalander, and K. D. McDonald-
    Maier, “DELICIOUS: Deadline-Aware Approximate Computing in Cache-Conscious Multicore”-
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
  5. S. Agarwal, S. Chakraborty, and M. Sjalander, “Architecting Selective Refresh based Multi-
    Retention Cache for Heterogeneous System (ARMOUR)”- 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation
    Conference (DAC 2023), 2023.
  6. S. Chakraborty, M. Safarpour and O. Silven, “NTHPC: Embracing Near-Threshold Opera-
    tion for High Performance Multi-core Systems”- International Conference on Embedded Com-
    puter Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS XXIII), 2023.
  7. Haoran Duan, Yang Long, Shidong Wang, Haofeng Zhang, Chris G. Willcocks, & Ling Shao (2023). Dynamic Unary Convolution in Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
  8. B.K.S. Isaac-Medina, C.G. Willcocks, & T.P. Breckon (2023). Exact-NeRF: An Exploration of a Precise Volumetric Parameterization for Neural Radiance Fields. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023. IEEE.
  9. Corona-Figueroa, A., Bond-Taylor, S., Bhowmik, N., Gaus, Y., Breckon, T., Shum, H., & Willcocks, C. (2023). Unaligned 2D to 3D Translation with Conditional Vector-Quantized Code Diffusion using Transformers. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 14585–14594).
  1. Spherical accretion of collisional gas in modified gravity I: self-similar solutions and a new cosmological hydrodynamical code
    Zhang, Zhang, Weinzierl, Tobias, Schulz, Holger, and Li, Baojiu
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
  2. AnoDDPM: Anomaly Detection With Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models Using Simplex Noise
    Wyatt, Julian, Leach, Adam, Schmon, Sebastian M, and Willcocks, Chris G
    in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
  3. S. Chakraborty, V. Soteriou, M. Sj¨alander, “STIFF: Thermally Safe Temperature Effect
    Inversion Aware FinFET based Multi-core”-19th ACM International Conference on Computing
    Frontiers (CF 2022), 2022.
  4. Y. Sharma, S. Moulik and S. Chakraborty, “RESTORE: Real-Time Task Scheduling on a
    Temperature Aware FinFET based Multicore”-Design, Automation & Test in Europe Confer-
    ence & Exhibition (DATE) (DATE 2022), 2022
  5. S. Saha, S. Chakraborty, X. Zhai, S. Ehsan, and K. D. McDonald-Maier, “ACCURATE:
    Accuracy Maximization for Real-Time Multi-core systems with Energy Efficient Way-sharing
    Caches”-IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
  6. Y. Sharma, S. Chakraborty, S. Moulik, “ETA-HP: An Energy and Temperature-Aware
    Real-time Scheduler for Heterogeneous Platforms”-The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer.
  7. Principles of Parallel Scientific Computing–-A First Guide to Numerical Concepts and Programming Methods
    Weinzierl, Tobias
    Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science book series (UTICS)
  8. A multiresolution Discrete Element Method for triangulated objects with implicit timestepping
    Noble, Peter and Weinzierl, Tobias
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC)
  9. Megapixel Image Generation with Step-Unrolled Denoising Autoencoders
    McKinney, Alex F and Willcocks, Chris G
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12351
  10. Computing the Square Root of a Low-Rank Perturbation of the Scaled Identity Matrix
    Massimiliano Fasi, Nicholas J. Higham, and Xiaobo Liu
    MIMS EPrint
  11. Matrix Multiplication in Multiword Arithmetic: Error Analysis and Application to GPU Tensor Cores
    Massimiliano Fasi, Nicholas J. Higham, Florent Lopez, Theo Mary, and Mantas Mikaitis
    MIMS EPrint
  12. Dynamic task fusion for a block-structured finite volume solver over a dynamically adaptive mesh with local time stepping
    Li, Baojiu, Schulz, Holger, Weinzierl, Tobias, and Zhang, Han
    in ISC High Performance 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series
  13. Computational Graphs for Matrix Functions
    Jarlebring, Elias, Fasi, Massimiliano, and Ringh, Emil
    ACM Trans. Math. Software
  14. Cross-Modal Image Synthesis Within Dual-Energy X-Ray Security Imagery
    Isaac-Medina, Brian KS, Bhowmik, Neelanjan, Willcocks, Chris G, and Breckon, Toby P
    in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
  15. The Dynamical Functional Particle Method for Multi-Term Linear Matrix Equations
    Dmytryshyn, Andrii, Fasi, Massimiliano, and Gulliksson, Mårten
    Appl. Math. Comput.
  16. Stochastic Rounding: Implementation, Error Analysis and Applications
    Croci, Matteo, Fasi, Massimiliano, Higham, Nicholas J., Mary, Theo, and Mikaitis, Mantas
    Roy. Soc. Open Sci.
  17. MedNeRF: Medical Neural Radiance Fields for Reconstructing 3D-aware CT-Projections from a Single X-ray
    Corona-Figueroa, Abril, Frawley, Jonathan, Taylor, Sam Bond-, Bethapudi, Sarath, Shum, Hubert P. H., and Willcocks, Chris G.
    in 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)
  18. Sparse grid approximation spaces for space-time boundary integral formulations of the heat equation
    Chernov, Alexey and Reinarz, Anne in OWR
  19. Unleashing Transformers: Parallel Token Prediction with Discrete Absorbing Diffusion for Fast High-Resolution Image Generation from Vector-Quantized Codes
    Bond-Taylor, Sam, Hessey, Peter, Sasaki, Hiroshi, Breckon, Toby P, and Willcocks, Chris G
    European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
  20. Multi-view Vision Transformers for Object Detection
    B.K.S. Isaac-Medina, C.G. Willcocks, and T.P. Breckon
    in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models on SO(3) for Rotational Alignment
    Adam Leach, Sebastian M Schmon, Matteo T. Degiacomi, and Chris G. Willcocks
    in ICLR 2022 Workshop on Geometrical and Topological Representation Learning
  1. Real Time Fencing Move Classification and Detection at Touch Time during a Fencing Match
    Sunal, Cem Ekin, Willcocks, Chris G, and Obara, Boguslaw
    in 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
  2. S. Agarwal, and S. Chakraborty, “ABACa: Access Based Allocation on Set Wise Multi-
    Retention in STT-RAM Last Level Cache”-The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Application-
    specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2021), 2021.
  3. S. Chakraborty, S. Saha, M. Sjalander, and K. D. McDonald-Maier, “Prepare: Power-Aware
    Approximate Real-time Task Scheduling for Energy-Adaptive QoS Maximization”- ACM Trans-
    actions on Embedded Computing Systems [TECS], Vol. 20, Issue 5s, Article 62, October 2021,
    25 Pages.
  4. S. Chakraborty, and M. Sjalander, “WaFFLe: Gated Cache-Ways with Per-core Fine-grained
    DVFS for Reduced On-chip Temperature and Leakage Consumption”, ACM Transactions on
    Architecture and Code Optimization [TACO], Vol. 18, Issue 4, Article 55, December 2021, 25
  5. S. Moulik, Z. Das, Rajesh D., and S. Chakraborty, “SEAMERS: A Semi-partitioned Energy-
    Aware scheduler for heterogeneous MulticorE Real-time Systems.” Journal of Systems Archi-
    tecture (ScienceDirect) [JSA], Vol. 114, Article 101969, March 2021.
  6. High Performance Uncertainty Quantification with Parallelized Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo
    Seelinger, Linus, Reinarz, Anne, Rannabauer, Leonhard, Bader, Michael, Bastian, Peter, and Scheichl, Robert
    in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
  7. Task Inefficiency Patterns for a Wave Equation Solver
    Schulz, Holger, Gadeschi, Gonzalo Brito, Rudyy, Oleksandr, and Weinzierl, Tobias
    in OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism
  8. UNIT-DDPM: Unpaired Image Translation with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
    Sasaki, Hiroshi, Willcocks, Chris G, and Breckon, Toby P
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05358
  9. Data Augmentation via Mixed Class Interpolation using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks Applied to Cross-Domain Imagery
    Sasaki, H., Willcocks, C.G., and Breckon, T.P.
    in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition
  10. Doubt and Redundancy Kill Soft Errors – Towards Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruption in Task-based Numerical Software
    Samfass, Philipp, Weinzierl, Tobias, Reinarz, Anne, and Bader, Michael
    in 2021 IEEE/ACM 11th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS)
  11. Gradient Origin Networks
    Sam Bond-Taylor and Chris G. Willcocks
    in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
  12. Deep Learning Protein Conformational Space with Convolutions and Latent Interpolations
    Ramaswamy, Venkata K., Musson, Samuel C., Willcocks, Chris G., and Degiacomi, Matteo T.
    Phys. Rev. X
  13. Unsupervised Region-Based Anomaly Detection In Brain MRI With Adversarial Image Inpainting
    Nguyen, Bao, Feldman, Adam, Bethapudi, Sarath, Jennings, Andrew, and Willcocks, Chris G.
    in 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
  14. Robust Data Assimilation with Noise: Applications to Cardiac Dynamics
    Marcotte, Christopher D, Fenton, Flavio H, Hoffman, Matthew J, and Cherry, Elizabeth M
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
  15. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visual Detection and Tracking using Deep Neural Networks: A Performance Benchmark
    Isaac-Medina, Brian K. S., Poyser, Matt, Organisciak, Daniel, Willcocks, Chris G., Breckon, Toby P., and Shum, Hubert P. H.
    in 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)
  16. Robust 3D U-Net Segmentation of Macular Holes
    Frawley, Jonathan, Willcocks, Chris G, Habib, Maged, Geenen, Caspar, Steel, David H, and Obara, Boguslaw
    in Proc. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS 2021)
  17. Sampling the Eigenvalues of Random Orthogonal and Unitary Matrices
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Robol, Leonardo
    Linear Algebra Appl.
  18. Algorithms for Stochastically Rounded Elementary Arithmetic Operations in IEEE 754 Floating-Point Arithmetic
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Mikaitis, Mantas
    IEEE Trans. Emerg. Topics Comput.
  19. The Dual Inverse Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Logarithm
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Iannazzo, Bruno
    IMA J. Numer. Anal.
  20. Numerical Behavior of NVIDIA Tensor Cores
    Fasi, Massimiliano, Higham, Nicholas J., Mikaitis, Mantas, and Pranesh, Srikara
    PeerJ Comput. Sci.
  21. Generating Extreme-Scale Matrices with Specified Singular Values or Condition Numbers
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Higham, Nicholas J.
    SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
  22. Matrices with Tunable Infinity-Norm Condition Number and No Need for Pivoting in LU Factorization
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Higham, Nicholas J.
    SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
  23. Corrigendum to “Determinants of Normalized Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Matrices”
    Fasi, Massimiliano, Feng, Jishe, and Negri Porzio, Gian Maria
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra
  24. Stabilized asynchronous fast adaptive composite multigrid using additive damping
    Charles D. Murray and Tobias Weinzierl
    Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.
  25. Delayed approximate matrix assembly in multigrid with dynamic precisions
    Charles D. Murray and Tobias Weinzierl
    Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
  26. Deep Generative Modelling: A Comparative Review of VAEs, GANs, Normalizing Flows, Energy-Based and Autoregressive Models
    Bond-Taylor, Sam, Leach, Adam, Long, Yang, and Willcocks, Chris G.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  27. Unparalleled Parallelism? CPU & GPU Architecture Trends and Their Implications for HPC Software
    Morgenstern, Laura, Kabadshow, Ivo, and Werner, Matthias
    in Tagungsband des FB-SYS Frühjahrstreffens
  1. Lightweight task offloading exploiting MPI wait times for parallel adaptive mesh refinement
    Samfass, Philipp, Weinzierl, Tobias, Charrier, Dominic E., and Bader, Michael
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
    doi arxiv:
  2. S. Chakraborty, S. Saha, M. Sj¨alander, and K. D. McDonald-Maier, “RePAiR: A Strategy for
    Reducing Peak Temperature while Maximising Accuracy of Approximate Real-Time Comput-
    ing: Work-in-Progress”-In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hardware/Software
    Codesign and System Synthesis Companion (IEEE/ACM CODES + ISSS ’20), 2020.
  3. Computer Vision for Protein-protein Docking
    Rudden, Lucas SP, Degiacomi, Matteo T, and Willcocks, Chris G
    Biophysical Journal
    doi TeaMPI—Replication-Based Resilience Without the (Performance) Pain
    Philipp Samfass, Tobias Weinzierl, Benjamin Hazelwood, and Michael Bader
    in High Performance Computing
  4. Lazy Stencil Integration in Multigrid Algorithms
    Murray, Charles D. and Weinzierl, Tobias
    in Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
  5. Predicting Critical Ignition in Slow-Fast Excitable Models
    Marcotte, Christopher D. and Biktashev, Vadim N.
    Physical Review E
  6. Vectorization and Minimization of Memory Footprint for Linear High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes
    Jean-Matthieu Gallard, Leonhard Rannabauer, Anne Reinarz, and Michael Bader
    in PDSEC
  7. Multi-view Object Detection Using Epipolar Constraints within Cluttered X-ray Security Imagery
    Isaac-Medina, B.K.S., Willcocks, C.G., and Breckon, T.P.
    in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition
  8. Segmentation of Macular Edema Datasets with Small Residual 3D U-Net Architectures
    Frawley, Jonathan, Willcocks, Chris G, Habib, Maged, Geenen, Caspar, Steel, David H, and Obara, Boguslaw
    in 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE)
  9. Determinants of Normalized Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Matrices
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Negri Porzio, Gian Maria
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra
  10. Substitution Algorithms for Rational Matrix Equations
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Iannazzo, Bruno
    Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal.
  11. Enclave Tasking for DG Methods on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes
    Charrier, Dominic Etienne, Hazelwood, Benjamin, and Weinzierl, Tobias
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
    doi arxiv:
  12. ExaHyPE: An engine for parallel dynamically adaptive simulations of wave problems
    Anne Reinarz, Dominic E. Charrier, Michael Bader, Luke Bovard, Michael Dumbser, Kenneth Duru, Francesco Fambri, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Jean-Matthieu Gallard, Sven Köppel, Lukas Krenz, Leonhard Rannabauer, Luciano Rezzolla, Philipp Samfass, Maurizio Tavelli, and Tobias Weinzierl
    Computer Physics Communications
  13. The relationship between curvilinear structure enhancement and ridge detection methods
    Alhasson, Haifa F., Willcocks, Chris G., Alharbi, Shuaa S., Kasim, Adetayo, and Obara, Boguslaw
    The Visual Computer
  14. Shape tracing: An extension of sphere tracing for 3D non-convex collision in protein docking
    A. Leach, L. S. P. Rudden, S. Bond-Taylor, J. C. Brigham, M. T. Degiacomi, and C. G. Willcocks
    in 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE)
  15. NUMA-Awareness as a Plug-In for an Eventify-Based Fast Multipole Method
    Morgenstern, Laura, Haensel, David, Beckmann, Andreas, and Kabadshow, Ivo
    in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)
  1. High-performance dune modules for solving large-scale, strongly anisotropic elliptic problems with applications to aerospace composites
    R. Butler, T. Dodwell, A. Reinarz, A. Sandhu, R. Scheichl, and L. Seelinger
    Computer Physics Communications
  2. S. Chakraborty, and H. K. Kapoor, “Exploring the Role of Large Centralised Caches in
    Thermal Efficient Chip Design.” ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst. [TODAES], Vol.
    24, Issue 5, Article 52, June 2019, 28 pages.
  3. On GLM curl cleaning for a first order reduction of the CCZ4 formulation of the Einstein field equations
    Michael Dumbser, Francesco Fambri, Elena Gaburro, and Anne Reinarz
    Journal of Computational Physics
  4. A High-Performance Implementation of a Robust Preconditioner for Heterogeneous Problems
    Linus Seelinger, Anne Reinarz, and Robert Scheichl
    in PPAM 2019
  5. Role-Oriented Code Generation in an Engine for Solving Hyperbolic PDE Systems
    Jean-Matthieu Gallard, Lukas Krenz, Leonhard Rannabauer, Anne Reinarz, and Michael Bader
    in SC19 SE-HER
  6. Computing Primary Solutions of Equations Involving Primary Matrix Functions
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Iannazzo, Bruno
    Linear Algebra Appl.
  7. An Arbitrary Precision Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Higham, Nicholas J.
    SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
  8. Optimality of the Paterson–Stockmeyer Method for Evaluating Matrix Polynomials and Rational Matrix Functions
    Fasi, Massimiliano
    Linear Algebra Appl.
  9. Sequential graph-based extraction of curvilinear structures
    Alharbi, Shuaa S., Willcocks, Chris G., Jackson, Philip T. G., Alhasson, Haifa F., and Obara, Boguslaw
    Signal, Image and Video Processing
  10. Sparse grid approximation spaces for space–time boundary integral formulations of the heat equation
    Alexey Chernov and Anne Reinarz
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications
  11. GROMEX: A Scalable and Versatile Fast Multipole Method for Biomolecular Simulation
    Kohnke, Bartosz, Ullmann, Thomas R., Beckmann, Andreas, Kabadshow, Ivo, Haensel, David, Morgenstern, Laura, Dobrev, Plamen, Groenhof, Gerrit, Kutzner, Carsten, Hess, Berk, Dachsel, Holger, and Grubmüller, Helmut
    in Software for Exascale Computing – SPPEXA 2016-2019
  1. Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Object Classification and Detection Within X-Ray Baggage Security Imagery
    S. Akcay, M. E. Kundegorski, Chris G. Willcocks, and T. P. Breckon
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
  2. dune-composites – A New Framework for High-Performance Finite Element Modelling of Laminates
    Reinarz, Anne, Dodwell, Tim, Fletcher, Tim, Seelinger, Linus, Butler, Richard, and Scheichl, Robert
    Composite Structures
  3. Influence of a-posteriori subcell limiting on fault frequency in higher-order DG schemes
    Reinarz, A., Gallard, J.-M., and Bader, M.
    Proceedings of FTXS 2018: 8th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale, Held in conjunction with SC18: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
  4. Computing the Weighted Geometric Mean of Two Large-Scale Matrices and Its Inverse Times a Vector
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Iannazzo, Bruno
    SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
  5. Multiprecision Algorithms for Computing the Matrix Logarithm
    Fasi, Massimiliano and Higham, Nicholas J.
    SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
  6. TMIXT: A process flow for Transcribing MIXed handwritten and machine-printed Text
    F. Medhat, M. Mohammadi, S. Jaf, C. G. Willcocks, T. P. Breckon, P. Matthews, A. S. McGough, G. Theodoropoulos, and B. Obara
    in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
  7. Multi-scale Segmentation and Surface Fitting for Measuring 3D Macular Holes
    A. V. Nasrulloh, C. G. Willcocks, P. T. G. Jackson, C. Geenen, M. S. Habib, D. H. W. Steel, and B. Obara
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
  8. S. Chakraborty, and H. K. Kapoor, “Analysing the Role of Last Level Caches in Controlling
    Chip Temperature”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing [TSUSC], Vol. 3, No. 4,
    Oct.-Dec. 2018, Pages 289-305.
  9. A Bayesian framework for assessing the strength distribution of composite structures with random defects
    A. Sandhu, A. Reinarz, and T.J. Dodwell
    Composite Structures
  10. Eventify: Event-Based Task Parallelism for Strong Scaling
    Haensel, David, Morgenstern, Laura, Beckmann, Andreas, Kabadshow, Ivo, and Dachsel, Holger
    in Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC)
  1. Multiscale Modelling of Lamination Defects in Curved Structures
    Reinarz, Anne, Fletcher, Tim, Dodwell, Tim, Butler, Richard, and Scheichl, Robert
    in 21st International Conference on Composite Materials
  2. Dynamical Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation: A Topological Approach
    Marcotte, Christopher D. and Grigoriev, Roman O.
    doi arxiv:1703.10680
  3. S. Chakraborty, and H. K. Kapoor, “Performance linked Dynamic Cache Tuning: A Static
    Energy Reduction Approach in Tiled CMPs”, Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems
    (Elsevier) [MICPRO], Volume 52, July 2017, Pages 221-235.
  4. Extracting 3D Parametric Curves from 2D Images of Helical Objects
    Chris G. Willcocks, Philip T.G. Jackson, Carl J. Nelson, and Boguslaw Obara
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  5. Interactive GPU Active Contours for Segmenting Inhomogeneous Objects
    Chris G. Willcocks, Philip T.G. Jackson, Carl J. Nelson, Amar Nasrulloh, and Boguslaw Obara
    Journal of Real-time Image Processing
    video url:
  1. Adjoint Eigenfunctions of Temporally Recurrent Single-Spiral Solutions in a Simple Model of Atrial Fibrillation
    Marcotte, Christopher D. and Grigoriev, Roman O.
    doi arxiv:1605.00115
  2. Efficient Modelling and Accurate Certification of Curved Aerospace Laminates
    Fletcher, Tim, Reinarz, Anne, Dodwell, Tim, Butler, Richard, Scheichl, Robert, and Newley, Richard
    in 17th European Conference on Composite Materials
  3. A Backward/Forward Recovery Approach for the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
    Fasi, Massimiliano, Langou, Julien, Robert, Yves, and Uçar, Bora
    J. Comput. Sci.
  4. Coping with Silent Errors in HPC Applications
    Aupy, Guillaume, Benoit, Anne, Cavelan, Aurélien, Fasi, Massimiliano, Robert, Yves, Sun, Hongyang, and Uçar, Bora
    Emergent Computation. Emergence, Complexity and Computation
  1. Unstable Spiral Waves and Local Euclidean Symmetry in a Model of Cardiac Tissue
    Marcotte, Christopher D. and Grigoriev, Roman O.
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
    doi arxiv:1412.4731
  2. Combining Backward and Forward Recovery to Cope with Silent Errors in Iterative Solvers
    Fasi, Massimiliano, Robert, Yves, and Uçar, Bora
    Proceedings of the 29th Parallel and Distributed Processessing Symposium Workshop
  3. An Algorithm for the Matrix Lambert $W$ Function
    Fasi, Massimiliano, Higham, Nicholas J., and Iannazzo, Bruno
    SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
  4. Exact Coherent Structures and Chaotic Dynamics in a Model of Cardiac Tissue
    Byrne, Greg, Marcotte, Christopher D., and Grigoriev, Roman O.
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
    doi arxiv:1404.2316